arXiv & Pure
Knots and braids in 3-manifolds
Current Research/Projects
- Knot Theory of Lens Spaces, (with S.Lambropoulou, B. Gabrovsek & A. Cattabriga), book for Walter De Gruyter Publishers - manuscript in preparation.
- A new invariant of doubly periodic tangles, (with Sonia Mahmoudi and Sofia Lambropoulou) - manuscript in preparation.
- Topological bonded knots and knotoids, (with L. Kauffman & S. Lambropoulou) - manuscript in preparation.
- On Probabilistic Knots (with L. Kauffman & S. Lambropoulou).
- Knots in Biology - manuscript in preparation.
- Periodic Structures (with S. Lambropoulou & S. Mahmoudi).
- The HOMFLYPT skein module of S^1xS^2 via the generalized Hecke algebra of type B.
- Tied links, pseudo links & tied pseudo links in 3-manifolds.
- Quantum Economics, initial stage.
Submitted for Publication
1. I. Diamantis, S. Lambropoulou, S. Mahmoudi, Equivalence of Doubly Periodic Tangles,
arXiv[GT] 2310.00822 (2023).
2. I. Diamantis, S. Lambropoulou, S. Mahmoudi, Doubly Periodic Pseudo Tangles.
Accepted for Publication
1. I. Diamantis, A survey on skein modules via braids, arXiv[GT] 2311.06556 (2023). Accepted for publication in the book series "Contemporary Mathematics" by AMS.
(with Fredrik Hobbelhagen), A Comparative Study of Symbolic Aggregate Approximation and Topological Data Analysis, Qualitative Finance and Economics. 2024, Volume 8, Issue 4: 705-732. doi: 10.3934/QFE.2024027
I. Diamantis, S. Lambropoulou, S. Mahmoudi, From annular to toroidal pseudo knots, Symmetry 2024, 16(10), 1360;
I. Diamantis, The Kauffman bracket skein module of S^1 x S^2 via braids, Axioms 2024, 13(9), 617;
I. Diamantis, S. Lambropoulou, S. Mahmoudi, Directional Invariants of Doubly Periodic Tangles, Symmetry 2024, 16(8), 968.
- I. Diamantis, The Kauffman bracket skein module of the lens spaces via unoriented braids, Communications in Contemporary Mathematics, Vo,26, No.2, 2250076, 2024.
- I. Diamantis, The Kauffman bracket skein module of the complement of (2, 2p+1)-torus knots via braids, Topology and its Applications, Volume 327, 15 March 2023, 108433.
- I. Diamantis, Pseudo links and singular links in the Solid Torus, Communications in Mathematics, Volume 31 (2023), Issue 1,
- I. Diamantis, Knotoids, pseudo knotoids, Braidoids and pseudo braidoids on the Torus, Commun. Korean Math. Soc. 2022; 37(4): 1221-1248, 3rd Most Read Article of the Journal.
- I. Diamantis, Pseudo links in handlebodies, Bulletin of the Hellenic Mathematical Society Vol.65, 2021, p.1 7-34.
- I. Diamantis, Tied links in various topological settings, Journal of Knot theory and its Ramifications, Vol. 30, No. 07, 2150046 (2021), doi: 10.1142/S0218216521500462.
- I. Diamantis, Tied pseudo links & Pseudo knotoids, Mediterranean Journal of Mathematics, (2021) 18:201, doi: 10.1007/s00009-021-01842-1.
- I. Diamantis, HOMFLYPT skein sub-modules of the lens spaces L(p, 1), Topology and its Applications (2021), Volume 301, 1 September 2021, 107500,
- I. Diamantis, The Kauffman bracket skein module of the handlebody of genus 2 via braids, Journal of Knot Theory and its Ramifications Vol. 28, No. 13, 1940020 (2019), DOI: 10.1142/S0218216519400200.
- I. Diamantis, S. Lambropoulou, An important step for the computation of the HOMFLYPT skein module of the lens spaces L(p,1) via braids, Journal of Knot Theory and its Ramifications 28, No.11, 2019, DOI: 10.1142/S0218216519400078.
- I. Diamantis, An alternative basis for the Kauffman bracket skein module of the Solid Torus via braids, (2019) In: Adams C. et al. (eds) Knots, Low-Dimensional Topology and Applications. KNOTS16 2016. Springer Proceedings in Mathematics & Statistics, vol 284. Springer, Cham. Check out the book here!
- I. Diamantis, S. Lambropoulou, The braid approach to the Homflypt skein module of the lens spaces L(p,1), in "Algebraic Modeling of Topological and Computational Structures and Applications", Springer Proceedings in Mathematics & Statistics (PROMS), S. Lambropoulou, P. Stefaneas, D. Theodorou, L. Kauffman (Eds) (2017). Check out the book here!
- I. Diamantis, S. Lambropoulou, J. Przytycki, Topological steps toward the HOMFLYPT skein module of the lens spaces L(p,1) via braids, J. Knot Theory Ramifications 25, No. 14 (2016).
- I. Diamantis, S. Lambropoulou, A new basis for the Homflypt skein module of the solid torus, Journal of Pure and Applied Algebra (2016) pp. 269-295.
- I. Diamantis, S. Lambropoulou, Braid equivalences in 3-manifolds with rational surgery description, Topology and its Applications 194 (2015) pp. 269-295.
- S. Lambropoulou, S. Antoniou, N. Samardzija, I. Diamantis, Topological Surgery and Dynamics, Mathematisches Forschunginstitut Oberwolfach, Report No.26/2014 (Workshop: Algebraic Structures in Low-Dimensional Topology).
- S. Lambropoulou, I. Diamantis, D. Kodokostas, The algebraic approach toward the Homflypt skein modules of c.c.o. 3-manifolds described by the unknot or the 2-unlink, AMS Preliminary Report, 2015.
- I. Diamantis, B. Gabrovsek, M. Mrockowski, S. Lambropoulou, "Knot theory of lens spaces", Walter De Gruyter Publishers [2024].
- I. Diamantis, "Sequences and Series", Central West Publishers Australia [February 2019]. Check it out here: GoogleBooks and order here: BooksAMillion,
PhD Thesis (in English)
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MSc Thesis (in Greek)
Research Interests & More
# Skein modules of 3-manifolds, 3-manifold invariants, Quantum invariants.
# Knot Algebras & Braid groups, Iwahori-Hecke algebras, Temperley-Lieb algebras.
# Pseudo links, Singular links, Tied links & Tied pseudo links in 3-manifolds.
# Knotoids, Braidoids and applications, Pseudo and tied knotoids.
# Applications of Knot theory to Chemistry, DNA-topology, Economics, Physics &
# (Doubly) Periodic Structures, Weaves, Tilings.
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Citations: 277 Google Scholar & 132 Scopus & 328 ResearchGate & 135 Pure
h-index: 10 Google Scholar & 7 Scopus & 10 ResearchGate
i10-index: 11 Google Scholar
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